Agenda item

Agenda item

Scrutiny Panels

A report of the Director of Finance, Governance and Contracts to consider updates on the work of scrutiny panels.


A report of the Director of Finance, Governance and Contracts to consider updates on the work of scrutiny panels, was submitted (item 9 on the agenda filed with these minutes).


The Democratic Services Manager assisted with the consideration of this item. The following summarises the discussion:


       i.          Following consultation with the Head of Strategic Housing, the scoping document for the Housing Needs Scrutiny Panel required some changes to reduce the scope of the panel. In addition, it was highlighted by the Head of Strategic Housing that there were a number of policies being renewed which could have an impact on the work of the panel. It was anticipated that the scoping document would be submitted to the next meeting of the Scrutiny Commission for approval.


      ii.          At a recent Urgent Member Briefing related to the recent flooding events in the Borough, it was suggested that a scrutiny panel on Flooding be commissioned. There had been a Flooding Scrutiny Panel undertaken in 2014, and the report of the scrutiny panel had been circulated to members outside of the meeting. Members agreed that there was a need for a further Flooding Scrutiny Panel, and that this panel should commence at the earliest opportunity in order to allow the Council to prepare for any future flooding events.


    iii.          The Scrutiny Commission agreed that Councillor Harper-Davies, having Chaired the 2014 Flooding Scrutiny Panel, be appointed as Chair of the Flooding Scrutiny Panel.


    iv.          The Democratic Services Manager and the appointed Chair of the Flooding Scrutiny Panel would meet as soon as possible to complete a scoping document, which would then be circulated to the Scrutiny Commission for comments and approval via email to ensure panel work could commence prior to formal approval of the scoping document at the next meeting of the Scrutiny Commission.


     v.          Members would be invited to participate as a panel member and potentially would also have an opportunity to participate in the panel work by providing information on the impact of the flood in their wards.


    vi.          It was suggested that Parish and Town Clerks be informed that the Flooding Scrutiny Panel had been commissioned and that they may want to discuss this at their next parish or Town meeting.  




1.     That the Scrutiny Commission reviewed the progression of scrutiny Panels.


2.     That a Flooding Scrutiny Panel be commissioned, with Councillor Harper-Davies as Chair.


3.     That the Democratic Services Manager meet with the Chair of the Flooding Scrutiny Panel (Councillor Harper-Davies) to draft a scoping document for the panel. The scoping document should be circulated to members of the Scrutiny Commission by via email for comments and approval.


4.     That an email be circulated to the Parish and Town Clerks to inform them of the Flooding Scrutiny Panel and to ask them to consider discussing this at their next parish or Town meeting.




1.     To ensure timely and effective scrutiny of the matter/subject.


2.     To ensure the Council could prepare for any future flooding events.


3.     To ensure panel work could commence as soon as possible.


4.     To enable Parish and Town Councils to consider the impact of flooding in their area, and any other flood related discussions.

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