Agenda item

Agenda item

Scrutiny Scoping Document

To note the scrutiny scoping document for the panel, agreed by the Scrutiny Commission at its meeting on 9th October 2023.


Considered and discussed, the scrutiny scope document for the Panel, agreed by Scrutiny Commission at its meeting on 9th October 2023. The following summarises the discussion:


       i.          The Democratic Services Officer explained that the scoping document was a live document and would be updated following each meeting, to reflect the discussions of the panel.


      ii.          Members felt that the detail in the ‘what will be excluded’ section of the scoping document should be moved into the ‘what will be included’ section, as the information was about the focus of the panel. The Chair stated that when scoping the document with the Democratic Services Manager, there was nothing obvious to include in the ‘what will be excluded’ section.


    iii.          The panel felt that it would be beneficial to include the night-time economy in their scope, to look at the relationship between public transport use and the night-time economy.


    iv.          The panel discussed some of the changes to bus services that they were aware of and felt that there was a requirement to identify the communities not being served by public transport.


     v.          The panel discussed the idea of buses running on a rota system. For example, the bus service would take a different route each day to allow members of the community to travel to different areas within the Borough.


    vi.          Demand Response Transport (DRT) was a service provided by Leicestershire County Council, that enabled members of the public to request a minibus to provide journeys not covered by official bus routes. For example, DRTs were used in some communities to transport people directly to supermarkets. It was highlighted that this type of service would not be reliable enough for people to use for a journey into work. The scoping document included requesting a delegate from Leicestershire County Council to speak to the panel as a witness. The panel felt that it would be beneficial for the delegate to discuss DRT with the panel.


  vii.          It was highlighted that the Team Leader – Strategic Development in Charnwood Borough Council’s Planning department was due to attend the panel’s meeting on 7th February 2024, to discuss the link between Section 106 agreements and public transport. This discussion would now take place at the panel’s meeting on 27th March 2024. Members felt that a briefing note on the relationship between Section 106 agreements and public transport would be beneficial before the panel met with the officer, to enable them to develop an understanding and to prepare valuable questions for the officer.


 viii.          Members felt that some of the bus services provided in the Borough were not reliable or dependable. This could mean that members of the community may look for other methods of transportation to avoid the lack of reliability. This decreases the demand for bus services and could result in services being cut. 




1.     That the panel notes the scoping document.


2.     That the Democratic Services Officer change the scoping document to reflect the discussion during this item;


·       The detail in the ‘what will be excluded’ section of the scoping document should be moved into the ‘what will be included’.


·       To include the night-time economy in the scope of the panel.


·       To identify the communities that were not being served by public transport.


3.     That a briefing note on the relationship between Section 106 agreements and public transport be prepared by the Team Leader – Strategic Development in advance of their meeting with the officer (27th March 2024).



Supporting documents: