Agenda item

Agenda item

2018-19 Quarter 2 Performance Monitoring Report

A report of the Head of Strategic Support providing performance information for the second quarter of 2018-19 in respect of the Corporate Plan objectives and key  performance indicators.



A report of the Head of Strategic Support providing performance information for the second quarter of 2018-2019 in respect of the Corporate Plan objectives and key performance indicators was submitted (item 6 on the agenda filed with these minutes).


The Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer and Head of Strategic Support attended to assist the Panel with the consideration of the item.  At the invitation of the Panel the relevant Cabinet Lead Members and Officers also attended to assist the Panel.


The Cabinet Lead Member for Whole Council, Strategic Partnerships and communications sent his apologies.


Key Performance Indicators


The Panel considered amber and red key performance indicators.


With respect to amber key performance indicator SLE2 – PR (complete the milestones in the Local Development Scheme 2018-2021 for the preparation of the local plan), in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Head of Planning and Regeneration explained that the slippage in the delivery of the draft local plan milestone of October 2018 was expected to have minimal impact on the overall project programme. The Local Development Scheme milestones were reviewed and considered by the Cabinet annually and the timetable would be re-profiled in the review of the Local Development Scheme in March 2019   The delay to the preparation of the local plan was partly due to the project officer having a period of long term absence and existing resources being diverted to support the Development Management function.


With respect to red key performance indicator ERM5 SS/ BP14 (Undertake regular satisfaction surveys with members of the public to ensure improvement in the web service they receive), it was noted that this matter would be considered in further detail in a report later on the agenda.


With respect to amber key performance indicator ERM1 – RS1 (as part of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme undertake two actions – complete a minimum of 95% of high risk (Ratings A-C’s) Food Safety Inspections) in response to issues raised by the Panel the Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer explained that the indicator was amber despite having achieved 57% of inspections.  It was an annual target and the indicator was assessed quarterly by the Head of Service.


With respect to amber key performance indicator ERM5 – CIS (2) (undertake regular satisfaction surveys with members of the public to ensure improvement in those services that use Govmetric and the Contact/Customer Service Centre – face to face & telephone), in response to questions, the Head of Customer Experience stated that the Service would consider refresher training for customer services if this was identified as an issue through analysis of the feedback by members of the public. The issue was believed to be caused by regular customers being asked to repeatedly undertake the same satisfaction survey so the Service were looking at ways to refresh how the Service monitored satisfaction to re-engage customers.


With respect to amber key performance indicator DES3- PROG (Deliver the Customer Service Programme, in line with the project milestones), in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Head of Customer Service and the Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer stated that further meetings had not yet been arranged as the Senior Management Team wished to fully understand the recommendations of the recent Peer Challenge for the Programme Board before meeting again.  It was noted that the Chief Executive had undertook to arrange a Board meeting to clarify its position.


Red Key Corporate Indicators


With respect to KI2 (Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)) in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Cabinet Lead Member for Planning Inward Investment and Tourism Strategy, and the Head of Planning and Regeneration stated that the Council had little control over the number of houses built by the development industry but that 113 affordable homes were currently under construction and there was no indication that they would not be built before the year end.


With respect to KI4 (Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting) in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Cabinet Lead Member for Performance of Major Contracts and the Head of Cleansing and Open Spaces stated that the target of 50% had not been reached in quarter 2 for various reasons.  The percentage figure consisted of the total residual waste collected by weight measured against the weight of composting and recycling collected.  As the amount of residual waste was static the very dry conditions during summer had reduced the amount of gardening waste collected, which directly impacted the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting.  Although it was possible that residents were taking garden waste to recycling centres, the subscription for green waste bins was increasing.  The target was challenging to attain for the Council and it would require a change in approach which might not be popular with residents as it could impact the frequency of waste collections.


With respect to KI7 (Time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events) in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Cabinet Lead Member for Performance of Major Contracts, the Head of Customer Experience and the Charnwood Site Manager (Capita) stated:


·         the target was challenging to achieve, particularly after the introduction of universal credit in June and the rising number of erroneous notifications being received that required investigation. It had been difficult to assess the potential impact of the introduction of universal credit as the number of erroneous notifications received by other local authorities varied considerably and it had not been possible for the Borough Council to predict the numbers.

·         the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) were planning to roll out the full switch over to universal credit which would be completed in 2024.  The Council were working with its partners including the DWP to support residents in the migration to universal credit but as there was not currently a migration plan in place it was difficult to proceed.

·         as this was an annual target, the Council could not take formal action until the end of the year in line with the terms of the Service Level Agreement with Capita.  However Capita were working hard to hit the target.

·         there was a process in place with Capita to facilitate claims especially where there were cases of hardship and loss of tenancy.  The backlog had impacted resources in other services within the Council and the council tax support scheme would require review.


A member of the Panel requested that ERM2 - NS 2 (Facilitate the development of a Community Hub in Thorpe Acre) was corrected to state that the Thorpe Acre Action Group had not gained charitable status from the Charities Commission.


A member of the Panel raised concerns that there seemed to be more red and amber indicators in the report with respect to customer facing services.  The Head of Customer Experience explained that customers were a priority and as the work was generally technology based it was challenging for some customers.  There had been a period of reflection to ensure that the focus and the approach of the Customer teams was correct, and now that the Service had been reorganised into new teams it was able to prioritise appropriately.




1.         that the performance results, associated commentary and the explanations provided be noted;


2.         that the Head of Regulatory Services provides the Panel with further clarification in relation to amber indicator ERM1 – RS1 (as part of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme undertake two actions – complete a minimum of 95% of high risk (Ratings A-C’s) Food Safety Inspections) as to why the target was considered amber when 57% of High Risk Food Safety Inspections had been undertaken by the second quarter, in relation to the annual target of 95% and what actions were taken by the Service when a food business did not achieve level 3 or above on the National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme;


3.         that the Head of Customer Experience presents a more detailed report regarding KI7 (Time taken to process Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit new claims and change events) at the Panel’s meeting scheduled for 22nd January 2018.




1.         To record the information contained in the 2018-19 Quarter 2           Performance Monitoring report.


2.         The Panel wished to understand the manner by which this indicator was assess and monitored by the Head of Service.


3.         The Panel was concerned that that delays in receiving benefits was a cause of significant stress and worry for residents and that the Council’s planning with respect to the introduction of universal credit appeared to be flawed so it wished to monitor this situation in more detail.


Supporting documents: