Agenda item

Agenda item

Selective Licensing Scheme Update

A report of the Head of Strategic Housing to provide an update in respect of the delivery of the private sector housing selective licensing scheme, and related housing licensing schemes (mandatory and additional).


Councillor Lennie arrived at the meeting at 6:03pm.


A report of the Head of Strategic Housing to provide an update in respect of the delivery of the private sector housing selective licensing scheme, and related housing licensing schemes, was submitted (item 6 on the agenda filed with these minutes).


The Lead Member for Public and Private Sector Housing (and Deputy Leader of the Council) and the Head of Strategic Housing assisted with the consideration of this item. The following summarises the discussion:


      i.        The Council was recruiting four additional Housing Licensing Administration Officers on fixed term contracts  up to 31st March 2024 to undertake the processing of Selective and Additional License applications, as there had been a higher number of applications than initially anticipated. There would be a further review of the staffing resources within the Housing Standards service before 1st April 2024, to determine whether these were sufficient for the ongoing delivery of the licensing schemes.


    ii.        The fees decided for the Selective and Additional Licensing schemes were based on the Mandatory Licensing scheme fee. Some of the fees were for costs relating to receipt , processing and determination of license applications and some of the fees were for costs relating to compliance checks, including property inspections. Some discounts were available and consideration may be given to other possible discounts in the future, for example for landlords applying for licenses for multiple properties. It was possible that the fees may increase in the future, if the administration costs of the council increased.


   iii.        There was no requirement to visit a property prior to a Licensing application being approved. Spot checking visits would likely be undertaken on properties with licensing in place. The Council had appointed two additional Housing Standards Officers to ensure compliance with the licensing schemes.


   iv.        Landlords were able to rent out properties whilst waiting for a decision on their licensing application. The Head of Strategic Housing agreed to provide information about any action taken if the license was refused, when there was a tenant in situ, following the meeting.


    v.        The standards required by the Additional and Selective Licensing Schemes were considered high standards and were similar to the standards required for council housing.


   vi.        The Head of Strategic Husing agreed to circulate to all members the standards required as part of the Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes, following the meeting.


  vii.        It was an offence to fail to apply for a license in a Selective Licensing Scheme area, and this could result in a fine and a criminal conviction. In cases where non-compliance was identified, the council would normally offer advice and support to Landlords to achieve compliance where appropriate, before enforcement routes were taken.


 viii.        The Head of Strategic Housing agreed to look into the possibility of using the Council Tax mailing system to promote the schemes in the relevant areas.


   ix.        The Scrutiny Commission felt that an update report in April 2024 would be beneficial to enable members to review the schemes one year after implementation.





1.    That the Scrutiny Commission considered the information provided and identified any further action that should be taken.


2.    That the Head of Strategic Housing provide information about any action taken if the license was refused, when there was a tenant in situ, following the meeting.


3.    The Head of Strategic Housing agreed to look into the possibility of using the Council Tax mailing system to promote the schemes in the relevant areas.


4.    The Head of Strategic Husing agreed to circulate to all members the standards required as part of the Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes, following the meeting.


5.    That the Scrutiny Commission receive a further update report on Selective and Additional Licensing Schemes in April 2024, one year after the implementation of the schemes.




1.    To provide effective scrutiny of the delivery of the selective licensing scheme.


2.    To ensure the Scrutiny Commission was informed about the implications of the Additional and Selective Licensing Schemes.


3.    To increase promotion of the schemes in the relevant areas of the Borough.


4.    To ensure the Scrutiny Commission was informed about the implications of the Additional and Selective Licensing Schemes.


5.    To enable the Commission to review the Selective and Additional Licensing schemes one year after implementation.

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