Agenda item

Agenda item

Vote of thanks to retiring Mayor


Following the election of a new Mayor, Council considered a vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor, Councillor Paul Baines. It was proposed by Councillor Hamilton and seconded by Councillor Taylor that this Council tenders to Councillor Baines its thanks for the service he has provided as Mayor of the Borough of Charnwood and for the way in which he has presided over the Council’s business during the past Council year.


In proposing the motion, Councillor Hamilton thanked Councillor Baines and Dr Ning Baines for their services and stated that the Council assures them that they have the best wishes of all its members for their future health and wellbeing.


Councillor Hamilton stated that Councillor Baine’s Mayoral year was a year of transition as communities emerged from Covid-lockdown. He stated that Councillor Baines had seen the return of in-person meetings and the establishment of the ‘new normal’.


Councillor Baines had attended many events as Mayor and many dinners. He said that Councillor Baines had not gained any weight during his Mayoral year,  but that he had had to counter his many dinners with additional time spent in the gym.


Councillor Baines was fortunate enough to be Mayor during the 800th anniversary of the Loughborough Market and Fair. Councillor Hamilton explained that this had been a highlight of Councillor Baines’ time as Mayor.


Councillor Hamilton spoke about the other events that Councillor Baines had attended to represent the Borough, including the commemoration of the sacrifices of conflicts such as Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day. The Mayor had also attended some benefits for the conflict in Ukraine.


Some of the highlights of Councillor Baines Mayor Year were mentioned, including the Pie and Mash Dinner for Men and Women in Sheds and the Royal Garden Party. Councillor Baines, as Mayor, attended a number of events for new businesses, which Councillor Hamilton stated showed people still had the confidence to invest in the future of Charnwood, even in such challenging times.


Another significant highlight for Councillor Baines was meeting a young man in Cossington. Being wheelchair bound meant that he had very limited mobility, but he was very keen to do some work for his community and became a member of the local Neighbourhood Watch. Councillor Baines was proud to have been able to meet the ‘Sheriff of Cossington’, as the young man was now known.


Councillors Baines had held a number of successful charity events, which had raised around £3,000 for Marie Curie and around £2,500 for Living Without Abuse. 


Councillor Hamilton stated that Councillor Baines’ Mayor year had been very successful and reiterated that the Council thanked him and Dr Ning Baines for their service.


In seconding the motion, Councillor Taylor stated that as Mayor, Councillor Baines had thrown himself into everything and more. She recalled that she had attended some events with Councillor Baines as Mayor and thanked him for the opportunity to do so. She stated that attending events with Councillor Baines as Mayor had allowed her to witness the presence held.


 Councillor Taylor referred to the former Mayoress, Dr Ning Baines. She stated that she had been an excellent Mayoress and a great support to Councillor Baines as Mayor. Dr Ning Baines had fully engaged in the role and smiled the whole time.


Councillor Taylor spoke about how she had regularly received emails from him in the middle of the night because he was awake and working. She stated that this demonstrated his commitment, not only to his role of Professor, but also as a ward Councillor and as Mayor of Charnwood. He had been very passionate about raising money for his chosen charities, and had worked hard to make as much as possible.


She stated that the Mayor had attended 173 engagements and that almost 95% of these were within the Borough of Charnwood. She detailed some of the highlights which included a marathon walk, the launch of a Dragon Boat and a litter pick with KFC in Loughborough.


Councillor Taylor stated that the Mayor’s Civic Officer, Carol Hardy had done an excellent job ensuring Councillor Baines, as Mayor, was always where he needed to be and on time.


Finally, Councillor Taylor thanked Councillor Baines, on behalf of the Borough, for his energy and the humour he had brought over the past year. She also thanked Dr Ning Baines for her hard work during the past year.



Following the above speeches, the Mayor put the motion to the vote and it was


UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that this Council tenders to Councillor Baines its thanks for the service he has provided as Mayor of the Borough of Charnwood and for the way in which he has presided over the Council’s business during the past Council year.


The Council records its gratitude for the manner in which he has maintained the position of the Mayoralty and the work he has done in meeting so many people in the Borough throughout the year. The Council also extended its thanks to Dr Ning Baines for her service as Mayoress and for the help and support she provided to the Mayor and for the considerate and committed way in which she has undertook her role. The Council assured both Councillor Baines and Dr Ning Baines that they have the best wishes of all its members for their future health and wellbeing.


Councillor Baines responded by stating that it had been a great honour to serve the Borough as Mayor and that he had thoroughly enjoyed his Mayoral year.


He recalled that the theme he had chosen for the year was ‘renewal’. He said that during the course of the year, he saw the Borough spring back to life following the Covid-19 Pandemic.


He stated that at the beginning of the year, he had been concerned about how he would fit his Mayoral duties into his busy schedule. He referred to the Democratic Services team at the Council that had supported him as Mayor and stated that they had been extremely helpful. He focussed particularly on Civic Officer Carol Hardy and spoke about her knowledge and in depth understanding of the Civic role.


He thanked the new Mayor, Councillor Tillotson, for deputising for him on occasion. He thanked his Chaplain, Wendy Dalrymple, for her support at various events. He also thanked Councillor Taylor and her husband, Paul Taylor, for their support at various events. He thanked the Lord Lieutenant and local MPs Jane Hunt and Edward Argar for their support and attendance at events.  He thanked his Mayoress, Dr Ning Baines. He said that without her support over the past year, his Mayoral year would not have been as successful as it was. The Mayor thanked the residents of Charnwood for inviting him to events. He stated that he had experienced variety and many great things within the Borough. There were many different people contributing to life within Charnwood and he considered it an honour to have witnessed this.


Councillor Baines said that he was proud to have raised so much for his Mayoral charities and others.


He finished by stating that it had been a privilege to serve the Borough as Mayor and that he had thoroughly enjoyed the past year.