Agenda item

Agenda item

Housing adaptations policy

A report of the Head of Landlord Services inviting comment from the Board on the draft Housing Adaptations Policy.


The Board received a report of the Head of Landlord Services to consider the draft Housing Adaptations Policy. The report was presented by the Head of Landlord Services.


Summary of discussion:


(i) The Head of Landlord Services advised the Board that there were three main areas for discussion under the new policy: a cap to be placed on adaptations at £30,000, level access showers not being placed in first floor properties and not undertaking major structural works at properties of non-standard construction.   Tenants would be rehoused where possible.


(ii) The Board was advised that adaptations over £30,000 tended to include extensions to properties. This was not a viable option for the Council so families were rehomed where possible to more suitable accommodation. It was explained that the cap of £30,000 would help manage expectations about what adaptations could be done to a property.


(iii) The Board noted that the Council’s DFG policy had a further discretionary amount of £10K on top of the mandatory £30k and that it would be a two tier system; however they noted the need to manage expectations, and that this would be acceptable  if tenants needing re-housing were given a suitable level of priority within the housing waiting list for alternative accommodation.   

(iv) There was an agreement that level access shower requests should be dealt with on a case by case basis rather than being dismissed. There would be an option to rehouse the tenant to a more suitable property to meet their needs if required.  It was noted that a family property may be adapted with a level access shower but that this may not then be suitable for a new family moving in e.g. with young children where a bath may be desired. 


(v)  The idea of static homes was mentioned as a solution to the housing adaptations problems. The Board was told that the Strategic Housing Team were looking at other options for housing such as the use of current garage sites for bungalows or building properties on the land.


(vi)There was concern that the projected figure of £3.1m identified in the HRA for adaptations was too low and would need to be increased. The Board was advised that it would potentially be increased and this would be reviewed as part of the Council’s budget planning process.  It was noted that the policy would limit expenditure in some areas. 


(vii) The issue of adapting non-standard properties would be tackled by moving tenants to more suitable accommodation where possible.


(viii) Stair lifts in communal areas were cited as a problem as they were proving difficult to navigate for tenants and workmen. The Board was advised that fire safety guidance approved the use of stair lifts in communal areas subject to them not obstructing the means of escape; however under the new policy the Council would not look to install them. Instead tenants would be helped to move to more suitable accommodation.




(i) that the report be noted with the Board’s comments.


(ii) The Board would receive a review of the policy in twelve months’ time.





(i) To note the Board’s position and consideration of the report.


(ii) To review how the policy was working and whether any further changes needed to be made.

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