Agenda item

Agenda item


A report of the Head of Landlord Services.



The Head of Landlord Services submitted a report for the Board to consider the housing capital programme for 2022-2023 (item 4 on the agenda).


The Head of Landlord Services gave an update as follows:


    (i)        The report set out the approach to investment in the housing stock for the year.

  (ii)        Under the Charnwood standard the Council replaces a kitchen every 20 years, a bathroom every 30 years, and a boiler every 15 years as a minimum.  This approach would lead to peaks in the number of replacements needed each year as often replacements would be needed at the same time.

 (iii)        There had been a backlog of work due to the impact of the national lockdowns, the high level of refusals for work, and the contract with Fortem Solutions Ltd concluding in 2021, limiting delivery.  When this backlog was considered with the 2022/23 the programmes were too big to deliver within one year, as such there is a proposal to lower the delivery programme to the more manageable target of 200 kitchens and 200 bathrooms.

 (iv)        Multiple contractors would be delivering the replacements.  A tender had been put out for level access showers and adaptations and a tender for kitchens and bathrooms was being prepared to be put out.

  (v)        In addition to improving existing homes, £1.5 million had been included in the programme to acquire more properties to meet housing need.

 (vi)        Improvement of communal areas, installations of disabled adaptations and installation of fire-safety works were continuing.


The Head of Landlord Services noted a typographical error on page 13 of the report, the figure for the 2022/23 capital budget to deliver works should have read £9,244,000 rather than £9,214,200.


In response to questions the Board were informed that:


    (i)        Bathrooms would be replaced every 30 years, whereas level-access showers would be replaced every 15 years typically due to degradation off the floor of the shower.  If a shower over a bath broke, it would be replaced where necessary.

  (ii)        It was clarified that the Stock Maximisation – Garages budget was to improve garage sites that were in poor condition i.e. re-roofing, in order to enable re-letting.  Garages were under review regarding the use of the sites.  Some sites were used well and unlikely suitable for development, however there were instances where issues such as replacement doors were needed.  The sites would be subject to an assessment.

 (iii)        An assessment on all doors was carried out by a contractor.  Those in need of urgent replacement would be delivered first.  It was expected that some doors that were functional but not to standard would be put into the programme down the line and approached on a priority basis.

 (iv)        Mobility scooter storage would be provided in general needs accommodation as well as sheltered accommodation.

  (v)        It was clarified that ‘Water closet’ referred to a toilet that was separate to a bathroom.

 (vi)        The Stock Condition Survey was planned for the coming year in order to update the system and to check the assumptions in the business plan.  It was likely to be based on a 20% sample of properties, it was thought that a survey of around 1000 properties would be representative.  When the survey was completed, the data would be fed into the systems.  If the work needed was different to that in the 30-year plan then the plan would be amended.

(vii)        It was possible that additional project management resources would be needed to coordinate the work of multiple contractors.


Action: Head of Landlord Services to confirm position on how to prevent issues on a property coinciding.  Democratic Services Officer to send out note with minutes.


A query was raised by a tenant member of the Board regarding how the compatibility of the lifeline system would be affected by the replacement of front doors.


Action: Head of Landlord Services to discuss with member following the meeting.


The issue of the future of garages at Fielding Court was raised.


Action: Head of Landlord Services to consult with Head of Strategic and Private Sector Housing on the issue and feed back to the Board.


RESOLVED that the Board endorse the approach to delivering the 2022-23 2022/23 capital programme as set out in the report.




To improve the Council’s housing stock, in line with the Charnwood and Decent Homes Standards, thus delivering the priorities set out in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan approved by Cabinet in September 2014.



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