Agenda item

Agenda item

Scrutiny Commission Work Programme

A report of the Head of Strategic Support setting out the list of forthcoming Executive Key Decisions and the Group’s Work Programme for consideration, in order to identify items for future scrutiny.                                                                  


A report of the Head of Strategic Support was considered to enable the Commission to review its own work programme, including considering the list of forthcoming Executive Key Decisions in order to schedule items for pre-decision scrutiny (item 10 on the agenda filed with these minutes).


The Democratic Services Manager assisted with the consideration of this item. The following summarises the discussion:


      i.        The Commission was due to receive an update on organisational recovery from Covid-19 at its next meeting on 14th September 2020. It was requested that this update included the implications of the pandemic on the Council’s IT service and any contingency plans for the future.


    ii.        A meeting was scheduled for the Chair and Vice Chair of the Scrutiny Commission and the Chair of the Audit Committee to discuss the strengthening of the relation between the two committees as discussed at the Scrutiny Commission meeting on 1st June 2020 (minute reference 5 2020/21). The Commission would receive an update on the outcomes of this meeting when available.


   iii.        The Questions Under Scrutiny Committee Procedure 11.16 function would be promoted through the Communications Team to encourage participation from members of the public. Questions should focus on the Council’s response to recovery from Covid-19.


   iv.        At its meeting on 4th March 2020, the Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee resolved the following;


That it be recommended to the Scrutiny Commission that scrutiny of the Council’s draft budget 2021/22 be undertaken on the same basis as for the 2020/21 budget, that being via a Budget Scrutiny Panel, and that that Panel also monitor the outcomes of this year’s Panel report.


Following that meeting, all scrutiny committees and panels were suspended until review in September or October 2020 (Scrutiny Commission, 1st June 2020, minute reference 5 2020/21). However, in order to fulfil the requirements of the Budget Scrutiny Panel as stated, the Commission was required to agree the establishment of the panel, giving authority to programme dates and to identify a Chair and member interest in participating on the panel.




1. that forthcoming Executive Key Decisions or decisions to be taken in private by the Executive, set out in Appendix 2 to the report, and scheduled scrutiny of those matters, be noted. 


2. that the Commission’s current work programme be noted.


3. that the organisational recovery update submitted to the Scrutiny Commission at its next meeting on 14th September 2020 include implications of the pandemic on the Council’s IT service.


4. that the Questions Under Scrutiny Committee Procedure 11.16 be promoted through the Communications Team.


5. that the Budget Scrutiny Panel be established, and that Councillor Hadji-Nikolaou be appointed Chair of the Panel.




1. To ensure effective and timely scrutiny, either to provide Cabinet with advice prior to it taking a decision or to ensure that the Council and external public service providers and partners were operating effectively for the benefit of the Borough.   


2. To ensure effective and timely scrutiny.


3. To ensure Members were informed on the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Council’s IT service.


4. To encourage public participation in the Council’s response to recovery from Covid-19.


5. To ensure the most effective approach to scrutiny of the Council’s budget.

Supporting documents: