Agenda item

Agenda item

2018-2019 Quarter 3 Performance Monitoring Report

A report of the Head of Strategic Support providing performance information for the third quarter of 2018-2019 in respect of the Corporate Plan objectives and key performance indicators.


A report of the Head of Strategic Support providing performance information for the third quarter of 2018-2019 in respect of the Corporate Plan objectives and key performance indicators was submitted (item 7 on the agenda filed with these minutes).


The Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer and Head of Strategic Support attended to assist the Panel with the consideration of the item.  At the invitation of the Panel the relevant Cabinet Lead Members and Officers also attended to assist the Panel.


The Cabinet Lead Member for Customer Services sent his apologies.


With respect to amber key performance indicator SLE4 LC (3) (deliver a vision for Loughborough Market), in response to a question by the Panel, the Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer explained that it had been recognised that the quarterly targets were not being met due to profiling issues, although the annual target for the number of market stalls would likely be met.  The profiling of the target was being addressed as part of the new business plan for 2019-20 using different methodology for distributing the target more effectively across the quarters.


With respect to red key performance indicator ERM2 – LS (1) (invest in our housing stock to provide high quality homes for Council tenants) in response to issues raised by the Panel, the Head of Landlord Services stated that the target not being met did not impact the level of decency.


With respect to amber key performance indicator ERM5 – SS (undertake satisfaction surveys with members of the public to ensure improvement in the web service they receive) Members of the Panel noted that a less than 1% response rate was not statistically significant and raised concerns about the validity of conclusions reached using such a small response rate and how members of the public were being encouraged to respond. 


With respect to key performance indicator ERM5 – CIS (2) (undertake regular satisfaction surveys with members of the public to ensure improvement in those services that use Govmetric and the Contact/Customer Service Centre) Members of the Panel were pleased to see this indicator had moved from amber to green.


With respect to red key performance indicator DES2-CIS (explore and evaluate opportunities to offer webchat and call recording), the Cabinet Lead Member for Equalities, Member and Strategic Services and the Head of Customer Experience stated that a number of issues had been identified from when the telephony system had been implemented, which were delaying the introduction of webchat and call recording, as the Service wished to resolve these first.


With respect to red key performance indicator DES3-PROG (Deliver the Customer Service Programme online with the project milestones in Quarter 3), the Strategic Director of Corporate Services stated that a review of the programme was being undertaken after the recommendations from the Peer Challenge.


With respect to red key performance indicator DES3-FP (development of an Investment Strategy setting out the Council’s approach to investment decisions and detailing the evaluation criteria to be used), the Strategic Director of Corporate Services and the Head of Finance and Property Services stated that the Investment Strategy would be presented to Cabinet in July 2019.


Business Plan Indicators were discussed as part of the key performance indicators above, there were no red Key Corporate Indicators to be considered and the Corporate Improvement and Policy Officer stated that it had been noted that the miscellaneous category for sickness was potentially being used inaccurately and this was being reviewed


RESOLVEDthat the performance results, associated commentary and the explanations provided be noted;




To record the information contained in the 2018-19 Quarter 3            Performance Monitoring report.




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